I was taking a turn in the park, and there was a big sweet osmanthus tree and really good smell from it

When the smell of the sweet osmanthus does, I feel ''it comes the autumn''.
The country of origin of the sweet osmanthus is a Chinese southern part,it was introduced to Japan in Edo period.
When autumn comes, a lot of small orange flowers are made to bloom, and a sweet, strong smell is shot.
It is popular to planting of the sweet osmanthus at the gardens so when we walk around the park and the vicinity there is really smell of sweet everywhere.
Here is the another flower which is famous in autumn season.
It is a ''Higanbana''(lycoris).↓↓↓
This flower has been transmitted from China with the rice farm transmission.
There might be a flower that yellow and the pink color look like in Europe.
The Japanese feels the nip of fall in this Higanbana (lycoris), and has the image of eerie flower for a moment in one side thought to be beautiful.
For instance, people never pick and never decorate the room even if a lot of Higanbana (lycorises) are in blossom near the riverside and the rice field.
When I was kid, my parents took me a drive then we found the clustering of Higanbana (lycoris) then we took some pictures with them and I asked my mother '' pick some these flower'' but my mother said ''do not pick this flower''.
I did't know why.it researched it wondering at this late date.
A strong poison fang is included in the root of the lycoris.
Therefore, the lycoris had been planted in surroundings of the rice field and the field in old times so that neither the mole nor the fox may approach farm products.
There was a person who died eating the lycoris by mistake.
Moreover, the lycoris was planted around the grave so that the graveyard was not ruined by small animals.Therefore, the flower that did the color of the blood that bloomed in the graveyard came to be felt eerie somehow by people.
However, other colors come to appear on the market as a gardening kind like Europe and America recently, and the people has increased in the garden.
I prefer that this beautiful flower remains forever sinister with poison.....thats my opinion....

And, it is a cosmos as for autumn.
The cosmos doesn't cluster naturally but plants and makes the seed and the seedling bloom in the plaza.
it is in a wide park that took this photograph near Lake Hamana.
Recently, the place where a lot of cosmoses are made to bloom in the park and the field where they are made to take a rest has increased like this as the sightseeing spot.
Certainly, the gradation of the pink color is very beautiful in the blue sky where autumn is transparent.