I go out and take the Shinkansen
I took a lot of photographs of the popular expensive Shinkansen abroad incidentally!
I introduce the Shinkansen so good this week.
It takes 1h30mins. to get to Tokyo from Hamamatsu.
and the case of an oposite direction, it takes 1h10mins. to get to kyoto from Hamamatsu.The cost is about JPY8,000 by single ticket.
This is the out side of HAMAMATSU station. ↑
There are many multi shops inside.
But ,of course this building is small than Tokyo,Kyoto and some big city..
There is Exhibit space on the way to the plat home.The Exhibitation is the piano for KAWAI is Musical instrument maker
The other side,
It is musical instrument maker YAMAHA same as KAWAI.
This time of the new product,
A wireless audio system is exhibited on this time.
Of course, you can see and hear it.
I came over at last in a plat home.
Hamamatsu station passed for express "NOZOMI SHINKANSEN" (NOZOMI HA TUUKA SIMASU
)is the fastest because of minor station.
I get on HIKARI to Nagoya and then get on NOZOMI at NAGOYA when i go to West of JAPAN.
←This is HIKARI shinkansen
at Hamamatsu station.
This is NOZOMI,at NAGOYA station
I will show you inside of NOZOMI.
Inside of NOZOMI is very clean all the time.(ITSUMO KIREINI SOUJISARETEIMASU)
Color is basic and cleanliness.I love it.
She took off her shoes I noticed now.She takes off when she get on the sheet without the attention from me is her mother
This is JAPANESE style~
So,the inside has still crean.
Anyway,The sheet has revolutionary system a long time ago.
What a nice!
The sheet is turning.(ZASEKI GA KAITEN SIMASU)
As for the group of four people or 6 ride visitor,
You face each other and can sit down.
Tourists from the foreign countries,
The toilet of Shinkansen is clearn as well.
What is clean of course,
As for the color and the design
It is refined.
In this connection,
The toilet has senser at japannese shinkansen.
If you warm a hand over a sensor,
The cover of the toilet stool opens and drain the water and is precocious.
Anyway,change the topic・・・・;(SATE WADAI WO KAETE・・・)
The lunch that the pleasure of the train eats in the inside of car.
In Japan, It is said "a station lunch(EKIBEN)".
What you can enjoy at shinkansen is "EKIBEN" has often local special product by a station to stop at.
I think that a station lunch of Osaka is delicious!
Therefore I buy lunch by inside of car sale of the Shinkansen after always passing Osaka Station.
←The crew come to be sold the Lunch and a cake and drink with such a wagon
In the case of parents with their children, it is saved very much.
Of course it is the yard of the station, but
There is a station lunch sales floor everywhere.
The cost of My EKIBEN is ¥1,200.
This is "MAKUNOUCHIBENTOU" is the kind of the major BENTOU in japan that made of a lunch provider of OSAKA.
very yammy~!I whisper into an ear of my daughter.
I put up voltage.
good condition~
I don't care her while her eating for about 30mins!!
Anyway,The purpose of this trip was to go to the wedding ceremony of the acquaintance.
Even if it said a wedding ceremony, it was a dinner party only for conservative estimates,
I had a great time at SPA(ONSEN GA SUBARASIKATTA) at that time, I will introduce it at next week!
Will have Fun!
hey hello I'm Scott I'm from the Hawaiian island of Maui I think that your pretty lucky to be living in japan because I a;ways wanted to go to japan it was and has always been a dream of mine my great grandpa Yoshio Tanno if I'm correct was the first member of my family of japan to come from japan and I have been wanting to find out who some of my relatives are from japan from before my great grandpa Yoshio came here from japan and any of the new and or current relative today and explore the culture of my Japanese heritage and my ancestors and my lineage because I alway woundered if any of my ancestors were samurais or ninjas you know because I always thought that it would be cool.
はじめまして。どうぞ。よろしくおねがいします。I enjoyed visiting yr blog very much.I have always been interested to learn more abt the daily common japanese way of life and you have helped me to see that.ありがとございます。You are most welcome to visit my blog too! : )
I really enjoy your blog. I would love to visit Japan in March, next year. Watch the cheery trees blosoom, stuff like that. But the airplane cost from Romania to Japan round trip is freakin expensive! about 2,000 euros/person!
Until I get enough money to get there, I'll keep on visiting your blog ;)
Cheers for that!
Hi! Just like the other comments that you receive, I also enjoy reading your blog site. I learn a lot of things about the Japanese culture through your website.
Japanese people are very important in my life, that's why I want to learn more (and maybe be a part of your culture) someday.
Please continue sharing wonderful things about your country ...
Hi! Thank you so much for this! i'm a teenager going to Japan in september to live. It's very scary for me as I'm going alone, but so exciting! This is helpful and I can see what life will be like; I need as much help as I can get! Haha.
Japan looks so interesting and exciting .. I can't wait to go there this year :) Contact me if you can give me any more information! yashibou.tsukeriso@hotmail.com
Thank you so so so much!
Nice to read your blog, depicted in an interesting way. Keep up the good work and let more traffic flow into your blog site. All the Best.
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