I took my daughter to the museum(HAKUBUTSUKAN)
of Hamamatsu city in summer vacation
As the mention previous blog,my daughter join to an experience learning.
I notice that it is good that the exhibition contents of the museum good for blog if I look at building some other time?
From this time to three weeks, I will introduce(GOANNAI SHIMASU) the history of Hamamatsu.
As for the history of Hamamatsu,it is same all over Japan.
Please have a read(GORAN KUDASAI) my blog by the end for parson who is interested in japanese history!!
There is the museum of Hamamatsu is located in an upper-class residential area takes 10mins from Hamamatsu station by car
All the outskirts that a lot of remains excavated become the large park,
A museum and a museum are built in the site.
I understand states of the then village well.
Because the stone which the house was based on was just left,
(The part made of a tree and the straw is the reconstruction.(HUKUGEN)
There are 20 houses, the center of the village became the open space in old days.
and also there is the furnace in the house and I cooked a nut(KINOMI), a fish(SAKANA) and the shellfish(KAI) which I picked up.
This is old the dump site.
The people ate a lot of shellfishs old days.
The depth of the garbage, It is 2 meters for 1000years.
How does the present age have much quantity of the garbage?
We make reflect.
The shellfishs at a dump site.
As for the short-necked clam(ASARI) or the clam(HAMAGURI), Japanese still love them.
Anything is big size.So we understand there is rich life in rich nature.
The earthenware vessel(DOKI) which was used in Jomon period(JOUMON JIDAI).
Do you think about it is very beautiful design even if i look now.
It seems that it is used for the festival(MATSURI) not daily life.
This is cloths in jomon period of Japan.
(This is the reproduction.HUKUGEN)
It is dyed(SOMETE IMASU)
by the plants.
This is tool for rice crop(INASAKU NO DOUGU).
The rice crop is come from china run at everywhere in japan,and also a lot of traces of the rice field are found before 2000-3000years in Hamamatsu as well.
It is available to touch anytime with the parts of earthenwere was found from excavation.
The person who made this about 3000years ago cannot belive there became such a situation...
←This is wooden armor(YOROI).
It is made about 1800years ago.
It is carved on willow tree and it is lacquered by japanese lacquer(URUSHI) red and black.
The real one(HONMONO) is at the base of foot.
The reproduction is wared on mannequin.
It is happened the war(SENSOU GA OKIMASHITA) for occupation again and again.
There is the figure of lady and man.
The animals is at the front.It is heartwarming(HONOBONO SHIMASU).
I will introduce you about from the middle century(CHUUSEI) and edo-period(EDO-JIDAI) on the next time.Coming soon!
Hardly can wait the next posts :D