This is the maple tree.
I took this picture at the park I often visit.
Autumn is the season leaves chenges their color into red or yellow in Japan.
This maple leaves was fresh green from spring to summer, But the color has been
changed to the red now.
Especially, I love the way of changes their color in this tree.
I had a hunch that the color would became red, and then I went to the park with camera.
How coincidence!
The maple trees are at their best now! Not too late, not too early!
A forest is surrounded by load in the park.
I will introduce you to other beautiful trees which has a flower, and many autumnal tints trees.
Do you know what kind of tree's leaves they are?
Except for maple tree, I think this tree also very Japanese style's one.
The answer is..
Ginkgo trees (Ichyo)! A half of leaves already had been falled.
you can see many ginkgo tree at the temple and old school.
That's why, I feel nostalgic to this tree somehow.
This is the camellia.
About 4meters high, big camellia.
Many people plant camellia their garden, because of they can enjoy various kind of colors and
We can make an oil from this tree's fruit, We called " camellia oil" ("tsubaki").
Camellia oil was very handy to keep Japanese women's black hair beautiful at the old time.
The treatment soap with camellia oil is popular among Japanese women now.
And this is green tea's field after reaped. So quiet.
In fact there is a my favorite flower in this season too.
This is a flower of green tea tree.
Don't you think how sweet and beautiful flower it is??
Very smal flower like 3cm, White is pure white.
And again, maple tree once more.I wish I could gaze at this tree forever.
Why the color is so beautiful which is made by nature....
The human being can hardly make it.
There is winter here in Belarus. It is snowing. The snow quickly turns to sleet. :(
Slush is everywhere on the ground. I miss autumn. I am an autumn child - Novemberkind :)
Your trees look very beautiful. But when does winter come to Japan? :)
Hello. inga1-san. Thank you for commented on my blog!
Sounds like Belarus is so clod now!
In japan, depend on the place, when winter came,,,it is defference. In my place, it will come
soon. Begning of December.
It is good to see you make postings on this topic, I have to book mark this website. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much. I will try to write interesting topic for yours!
My favourite tree is the japanese maple :) Really a very changeable tree, you cannot be bored watching it.
The camellia is also very wonderful - is it good to preserve the black color (so it can color your hair), or to make it shiny?
I love every season. I started a photo course in September, so made quite lot pictures in autumn. This is a typical Hungarian landscape:
Camellia make our hair like shiny and soft !
You seems really love Japan, I saw Hugarian Landscape. Thank you so much.
It is very beautiful!!!
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