This time, some topics are skipped and '' what happend in Japan by earthquake'' is translated into priority.
I have recieved many massage from my blog's readers, thank you for your concering about us. we are fine! my city,Hamamatsu-cho Shizuoka prefecture is keeping the normal life,but everyone is confusing in Japan and my parent who live in Hiroshima really worried about us then phone called also from other my family too.
I was playing with my kids at outside when it happened the earthquake at 14:45 on 11th March.We didn't realize the earthquake.
When I came back to home then turned on the TV, I knew it!!! and surprised me and couldn't believe it.....
and I watched TV all day...all TV channels were breaking news about the earthquake in Tohoku area...

The one especially terrible is a live feed of the Tsunami.

Seawater goes up faster to the coast in Sendai of which it takes a movie from the helicopter.
Seawater like alive passes the port without weaking the speed, comes off and swallows the town where people live.
The car to lose the place to go on the road is throw in to the wave while it is coming to a standstill.
a person who is standing the roof,but there is going down, so it looks not enough high to be safe....
When the town that was swallowed in water was seen, I felt inconsolable with scary of the earthquake and Tsunami.

That day, it was snowing in Tohoku area and there was out of power...
After the earthquake had occurred, my eyes were riveted on the TV screen for three hours.
my kids were playing together beside me.

I walked out to my vegitable garden for pick up some onions for our dinner, and I saw the clean bright sky with was feeling cold wind.
The sky is one but I can't believe that the large earthquake occurred in the town left from here by hundreds of kilos.
Many people lost houese,their family and friends....and they are in nightmare now...It became unable to stay feelings when thinking that a similar children and women and family has frightening time now..

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