I got many many massages from overseas frriends.
Thank you very much for you rocncering about us. we are doing OK.
There was earthquake in Hamamatsu city on 15th March but it was not really big one so we are fine. and keeping normal life.
However, it is coming different situation of life little by little since few days ago.
That is ''lack of goods because of hoard''. people starting buying and buying foods and water etc.
My neighborhood,he often goes to Tokyo, and he told us there is no foods at supermarkets and convenience stores in Tokyo now. his friend who live in Tokyo, is asking him send some foods.
next day, I went to dragstore and supermarket, many stuffs had been sold out.
This is the space for toilet paper and diapers ↓↓↓ empty...

also instant nuddles and emegency provisions..↓↓↓

the paper that saying piece concept limit that one person buying. ↓↓↓

the day before, I went to same store there was no these kind of things.
Everybody not sure that should have a large stock of foods and water righ now or not for some other happen.
I think that the reason why the foods and water disappears is that everyone's disaster awarness rose at a dash, this happen has started from Tokyo then same thing going downt to Hamamatsu city.

As for other changes after earthquake, it is situations of my husband's company.
the his comapny's production line will have stopped because parts procured from Tohoku area do not become complete.
The Tohoku area reveived the devastating damage, and the prospects for the future doesn't stand,so his company is busy to find the other customers instead of Tohoku's.
well, Hamamatsu city in Shizuoka prefecture has ordinary life, school, public office all things are doing fine, but everybody looks sad... it not only in Hamamatsu, all Japanese people same.
We have a dangeraous problem of nuclear plant now too.
Japanese people tries to believe the report from government without causing the panic at the present and trying to get over this painful situation.
People want to save people who are uneasy and suffer as the cold now more than fall into the panic imagining the worst situation.
I think, this strong mid support each people in Japan now.
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