((The original of this topic in Japanese was written on 28th Febrary. I apologize to translate from Japanese to English late.)) Miko wrote this topic before happen the earthquake in east of Japan.

The earthquake happened in New Zealand the other day.
Many people died, injured and asking for help from inside of the debris. It is really sad and tragic situations.
The earthquake is not just an affair of other people for Japanese.
No woder the Tokai earthquake is expecting that it happen anytime is scared people who especialy live in Hamamatsu city and around there.
Large-scale Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) earthquake occurred in Japan in 1995.
My relative lived in Kobe and they were safely then they told us how hard to alive at that time.
There were neither electricity nor water, and houses were wreaked havoc.
no place to buying the foods,
The entire city fell into confusion.
I think that it was really hard to live for especially the family had children and need look after and suffers illness. and pains in the peolpe who lost the family can not be able to be imagined.
The pain in their minds will not heal through life even if the lifeline and the town are restored.
In the Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake, 6400 people died.
The 80% was a crushing death by the fall of a building etc.
moreover, people couldn't escape due to fire started after earthquake and there were many people who were closed the road by the collapsing building and had died. anybody couldn't go there to help them.
now people leared lesson from this happen and is made best use and earthquake-proof construction in the building is sped up with steady steps in Hamamatsu in which it worries about the Tokai earthquake in recent years.
The house and the building newly built should clear a severe anti-earthquake regulatio, also it is necessary to reform an old house so as not to break due to the strong earthquake.
The subsidy for that has been put out.
my house is a new house built seven years ago, the strong earthquake is structure that doesn't collapse.

We don't put mirror and pictures with frame on the wall and chest of drawers are not put in the bedroom.
Because to avoid chest of drawers and television's dropping to head by rapid shake and dying. and more, the light that hangs to the ceiling is made a small thing as much as possible, too.

And, the water 20 liters and emergency provisions are always prepare for the entire family can live for 3days after the lifeline cuts.
However, here is problem, if the earthquake occure when all family is in the house is OK but if it not, the family has gone out disjointedly respectively....that is a big problem..
For instance, the daughter is at the kindergarten,I can't pick my daughter up until stop aftershocks. When I go to pick up in this situation, I should bring the card that is an identification card for ''child's guardian''.
The purpose is to prevent the mistake and the crime that the teacher of the kindergarten has passed children to another person when panicky due to the earthquake and other emergency happen.

In addition, a big tsunami is expected to come in the Tokai earthquake.
When I married and moved to Hamamatsu city, all my friends in Hiroshima said to me ''please take care earthquake in Tokai area''.
There is no surprise wherever the earthquake happens in Japan.
Living in Japan is in face of thinking about natural disasters as earthquake.
and do not forget we are alive with nature together.
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Miko wrote this airticle after 11 days, we were faced in real tragic happen by earthquake and tsunami in East of Japan.....we wish that New Zealand and Japan will be reconstruction as soon as possible.
Please pray for people for all victims in NZ and Japan.
Thank you very much for your concern and your kindness to all.

The earthquake happened in New Zealand the other day.
Many people died, injured and asking for help from inside of the debris. It is really sad and tragic situations.
The earthquake is not just an affair of other people for Japanese.
No woder the Tokai earthquake is expecting that it happen anytime is scared people who especialy live in Hamamatsu city and around there.
Large-scale Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) earthquake occurred in Japan in 1995.
My relative lived in Kobe and they were safely then they told us how hard to alive at that time.
There were neither electricity nor water, and houses were wreaked havoc.
no place to buying the foods,
The entire city fell into confusion.
I think that it was really hard to live for especially the family had children and need look after and suffers illness. and pains in the peolpe who lost the family can not be able to be imagined.
The pain in their minds will not heal through life even if the lifeline and the town are restored.
In the Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake, 6400 people died.
The 80% was a crushing death by the fall of a building etc.
moreover, people couldn't escape due to fire started after earthquake and there were many people who were closed the road by the collapsing building and had died. anybody couldn't go there to help them.
now people leared lesson from this happen and is made best use and earthquake-proof construction in the building is sped up with steady steps in Hamamatsu in which it worries about the Tokai earthquake in recent years.
The house and the building newly built should clear a severe anti-earthquake regulatio, also it is necessary to reform an old house so as not to break due to the strong earthquake.
The subsidy for that has been put out.
my house is a new house built seven years ago, the strong earthquake is structure that doesn't collapse.

We don't put mirror and pictures with frame on the wall and chest of drawers are not put in the bedroom.
Because to avoid chest of drawers and television's dropping to head by rapid shake and dying. and more, the light that hangs to the ceiling is made a small thing as much as possible, too.

And, the water 20 liters and emergency provisions are always prepare for the entire family can live for 3days after the lifeline cuts.
However, here is problem, if the earthquake occure when all family is in the house is OK but if it not, the family has gone out disjointedly respectively....that is a big problem..
For instance, the daughter is at the kindergarten,I can't pick my daughter up until stop aftershocks. When I go to pick up in this situation, I should bring the card that is an identification card for ''child's guardian''.
The purpose is to prevent the mistake and the crime that the teacher of the kindergarten has passed children to another person when panicky due to the earthquake and other emergency happen.

In addition, a big tsunami is expected to come in the Tokai earthquake.
When I married and moved to Hamamatsu city, all my friends in Hiroshima said to me ''please take care earthquake in Tokai area''.
There is no surprise wherever the earthquake happens in Japan.
Living in Japan is in face of thinking about natural disasters as earthquake.
and do not forget we are alive with nature together.
Japanese Goods eBay Auction
Miko wrote this airticle after 11 days, we were faced in real tragic happen by earthquake and tsunami in East of Japan.....we wish that New Zealand and Japan will be reconstruction as soon as possible.
Please pray for people for all victims in NZ and Japan.
Thank you very much for your concern and your kindness to all.